Climate Change
Tackling the challenges of climate change
One of the greatest perils facing the human race, even proving to be a threat to its very survival, is climate change. Rapid industrialisation and urbanisation, the indiscriminate use of fossil fuels, deforestation and other irresponsible behaviours have led to this manmade crisis. The average temperature of planet earth is rising, bringing in its wake, changes in rainfall patterns, extreme weather conditions, high frequency of cyclones, heat waves and wildfires. People are threatened with scarcities of food and water, while animal species are relocating and some are in threat of extinction.
Sparsh is responding to this crisis by educating rural communities about climate change and inculcating behaviours that are eco-friendly. In all our projects across the board, we utilise green technologies, use renewable energy, manage water resources responsibly, increase the forest cover, set up solar irrigation projects and solar cold chains and more.
We are developing green school campuses in our project areas. The Lakshmipat Singhania Public School has become the first school in Odisha to become a member of the Indian Climate Aware School Network.
10,000 +
our impact
1. Water Resource Development
2. Soil & Water Conservation
3. Natural Resource Management
4. Solar Irrigation
5. Agriculture and allied activities & Enterprise Development